Havok Support has moved

Havok Support has moved to https://support.havok.com.

How to sign-in to the new Support Portal:

  1. Access the Havok Support Portal (https://support.havok.com).
  2. Select "Continue with Havok (OpenID Connect)".
  3. Enter the email address associated with your Havok support account – you will not need to create a new account at any point in the process.
  4. If your organization’s identity provider is supported, you will be redirected to sign in with your work credentials.
  5. If your organization’s identity provider is not yet supported, we’ll send a one-time code to your email. Look for an email with the subject "Your Havok Externals account verification code" from account-security-noreply@accountprotection.microsoft.com.
  6. You will be prompted to grant the Havok support site permission to use your profile data when you sign in for the first time.
  7. After granting permission, you will be signed into the Support Portal.